Friday, December 27, 2019
World Hunger One Of The Fundamental Issues - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1897 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/29 Category Science Essay Level High school Topics: World Hunger Essay Did you like this example? Have you ever wondered what itrs like not being able to open a pantry and snack on food? Well, in the world today, one in every seven people are hungry. In purely quantitative terms, there is enough food available to feed the entire global population of 6.7 billion people. And yet, one in nearly seven people is going hungry. One in three children is underweight (World Food Programme). Isnt it sad that people arent getting the nutrition they need to live a healthy life? Is that fair? World Hunger is one of the fundamental issues that an extensive part of the worldwide populace faces today. World hunger has existed for quite awhile in our known history; it has blurred far from central concerns since it is barely brought up in regular discussions. According to the Food Aid Foundation, numbers have slightly become better as Some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. Thats about one in nine people on earth. This is absolutely astonishing and should be a number one concern among states. World hunger has many aggravating elements and principle causes, for example, climate change, insufficient economic systems, and poverty. The primary factor is poverty as it dependably has prompted individuals to abandon standard meals since they cant afford to eat. This paper will assess statistics regarding the issue of world hunger and the effects it brings. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "World Hunger: One Of The Fundamental Issues" essay for you Create order There are numerous individuals in third world countries and developed states, for example, Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia that are impoverished to the point where they are in an urgent need for nourishment. Regardless of whether a state is rich or poor, there are constantly vast quantities of individuals managing and dealing with poverty and hunger. Perhaps the most demoralizing aspect is the cruel reality that the general population of these victims are youthful kids. Hunger is a very concerning and serious topic which cannot easily be remedied. Poverty is an overarching problem that goes hand in hand with world hunger. People in countries arent hungry because there is a shortage of food, but rather because the food accessible is too expensive for the normal individual. In any case, this isnt to imply that the well-to-do feel or sympathize with the less fortunate. Truth be told, the wealthy individuals believe that the poor are jobless in light of the fact that they are excessively lazy and not smart enough to get any job offers, making it impossible to discover occupations, and rather sit tight and wait for others to just give them handouts. While this might be valid for a few, it isnt illustrative of the greater part of hunger. It is very unlikely that hungry individuals just live their ways of life with little to go around. Much of the this is misfortune pushed onto these individuals. The fallout of the quake that hit Haiti a few years prior is a perfect example of this. Thousands wound up without homes, without assets and without infrastructure on which to gain any wealth. As should be obvious, the power of nature can cause awful situations without distinction among class, wealth or social wellbeing. Subsequently, it is idiotic for wealthy people to just turn their head to poverty because of stupidity or laziness. Among the devastated, the re is unquestionably drive and aspiration to enhance their conditions even though society might not have a place for them. Nearly 2 billion individuals in developing states live off just a dollar or two per day (Clapp). It is difficult to envision that a dollar or two can suffice and do the trick for a solitary dinner. Undeveloped and developed states are getting smothered in their economic systems too. Many developing states need adequate trade exchange to advance riches on any extensive scale, in this way adding to the issue of hunger. A few governments are confined in the assets they can allocate to their people while keeping up the absolute minimum required to run the state. This shortage of assets is a noteworthy aspect and the tragic truth remains in that it adds to the issue of hunger. The Food Aid Foundation demonstrates that chronic hunger is caused in poverty which happens when incomes are distributed unequally in countries. This implies that the wealthy people undeveloped state, there are hoards increasingly that abandon sustenance. Climate change influences agricultural productivity negatively, resulting in a lessened accessibility for food and an increased rate of hunger. Notwithstandin g, monetary reactions by the producers and consumers could ease a portion of this issue. In spite of the fact that alleviating Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) would diminish a portion of the negative productivity impacts, by doing so, it may result in different impacts that could increase the risk of hunger. There are two key components in understanding the outcomes of climate change. In the first place, the utilization of bioenergy as a mitigation measure would increment bioenergy demand and consequently would additionally change prices (Clapp). Heavy utilization of bioenergy would cause a clash among food and crop prices because of constrained land and water resources, and it would in this manner increment land and harvest costs. Second, there are costs related with mitigation, which requires improvements in technology to accomplish an emissions target. Under a solid emissions reduction scenario, for instance, aimed for keeping up the increase in mean global temperature at close to 2 ? °C, exceptional relief measures will require high alleviation costs, including extra capital expense for energy advancements that enable a move to a low-emission industrial structure, which, thusly, will prompt gross domestic product (GDP) misfortunes and diminished wages and household income (Hasegawa). A case of a relative cost-changing innovation is the presentation of carbon capture and storage. The use of this mitigation measure raises the expense of energy that depends on petroleum products and the items that depend on power. This, thusly, decreases salary wages and makes consumers change to items that are less intensive in electricity use. The increased use of bioenergy and raising mitigation expenses to lower Greenhouse Gas emissions both have impacts on caloric intake and accordingly the risk of hunger, in the first case by means of relative price changes and in the second case by means of overall income effects. Many investigations have concentrated on effects on the danger of hunger caused by climate change and high bioenergy demand, yet no research has talked about the effects of mitigation costs on the risk of hunger. Likewise, none of the examinations have shown the impacts of climate change and of land competition, despite the fact that these effects are in direct corr elation with one another. In this day and age we see many obese individuals as a result of eating food of high fat and cholesterol. Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy life. Many individuals are still hungry around the globe despite the fact that there is a large scale manufacturing of food. This is a direct result of poor and unhealthy food. It is critical to have a sound eating regimen/dietary admission for people to have great establishment for physical and emotional wellness. Presently, real and nutritional food is becoming more expensive than that of cheaper and less nutritional food. Hungry individuals are compelled to eat unhealthy and disgusting food, while the rich can bear to eat wherever they please. Food insecurity is caused by people not having a sound supply of food for their families because of their low salary or political and societal status. Indeed, even in a developed state like The United States of America; food security is a noteworthy issue. In the article, Association of Household and Community Characteristics with Adult and Child Food Insecurity among Mexican-Origin Households in Colonias along the Texas-Mexico Border writer Sharkey, underpins that over populace of Mexicans, living in settlements along the Texas Mexico outskirt cause food insecurity. Due to the Overpopulation on the texas-mexico fringe there is low accessibility of sound nourishment, making individuals eat unhealthy which leaves out any healthy benefit, and has high measure of sugar, fat, and cholesterol. Food insecurity causes medical problems, for example, corpulence, diabetes, coronary illness, and early mortality among youthful single parents. Youthful single parents are influenced by food weakness in two different ways. First, the worry of food insecurity can prompt exacerbating issues of gloom for this person. Second, is the food decisions made by this person. Factors that help these issues are financial status and the capacity to acquire satisfactory nourishment. These youthful single parents dont have enough cash to give dietary nourishment to their families. With restricted cash they dont have a decision for nourishing food and are compelled to purchase cheap, high fat and sugary foods. Individuals throughout the world primarily concentrated in developed states pass away due to hunger and starvation on a daily basis. With the rising population, the quantity of hungry people likewise increments at an unbalanced rate. Hungry individuals often go days, even weeks, with no food due to their despairing conditions. A personrs body can only last for so long without proper nutrition before things turn downhill. Surprisingly, however, the body can go up to around a few months without nourishment. It is s aid that poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five 3.1 million children each year (Food Aid Foundation). It blows my mind that children arent getting healthy meals everyday. Our bodies are able to feed off our muscles and afterwards eat through the fat to live, yet following that, little can be down to keep someone stable. It is at this point when the body starts to shut down. Without treatment or nourishment, it prompts death. There have been countless circumstances where I have seen television advertisements about starving kids to influence us to sympathize with those less blessed than us. Once in a while, it coerces us for a donation, but after this underlying thought of compassion, individuals tend to forget about it shortly after. Despite the fact that the United States is known for being a well-to-do state, hunger and starvation are still taking place in todayrs society. Needless to say, it isnt appropriate or right to watch developing countries suffer. All in all, world hunger is an issue that ought to be considered important and ought to be brought up in discussion with deliberate approaches. There are such a large number of various reasons for world hunger, however the three fundamental ones are poverty, climate change, and insufficient economies. Families in developing states are in genuine need of assistance. Developed states like the United States and Canada should discover multifaceted approaches to help populaces in underdeveloped countries. By interfacing the farmers in the state to consumers, it might enable them to accommodate their families along with other families that are in need. In the event that no answers are provided for helping these hungry individuals, a large amount of people will continue losing their friends and family. Individuals in developing states cant fathom or fix this by themselves; they need our help. Developed states need to stop worrying about themselves and work to help the hungry individuals in states that are battling this issue. Individuals need to contribute to associations that have been made to enable an end to the issue of hunger. World hunger is an everyday occurence; one that is fit for cure through empathy and persistence.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Internet Gambling Addiction And Substance Addiction Essay
Research Proposal Internet Gaming Addiction Substance Addiction: The Correlational Relationship Between Behavioral and Substance Addiction. Jennifer M. deJong PSY 290 – Research Methods Dr. Norma Hernandez November 30, 2016 Abstract The following research proposal is determining if there is a correlational relationship between substance addiction and internet gaming addiction. Addiction is still seen in society as a lack of willpower or a flaw in a person’s character. This research will add to current research that is striving to show that addiction is a disease of the mind. Archival research and content analysis will be acquired to provide information on both addictions and possible co-addictions. An interview process will be conducted to gain data from participants that currently suffer from both addictions. The results of this research study are expected to support the hypothesis that if a person has an underlying substance addiction then it could be a factor in developing a secondary behavioral addiction such as internet gaming addiction. The study would add to the existing research being done on addiction. Showing that addiction is not limited to one element of a person’s life. Internet Gaming Addiction The Disease of Addiction: The Correlational Relationship Between Behavioral and Substance Addiction. The issue being discussed is internet gaming addiction. While there are factors that have already been established in developing an internetShow MoreRelatedBehavioral Addictions And Substance Abuse Addictions994 Words  | 4 PagesMental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) added gambling disorder to the category titled Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Information Security Management Making - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Information Security Management Making? Answer: Inteoducation There are some assumptions are made before making the ISSP of the A4A Company. It is assumed that the company has a huge customer and client base in different parts of the company. The company is a government certified NGO that is working for the educational purpose in the market. This NGO has a huge funding from the public donation and is at a good position regarding the financial status in the market. The company provide proper salary to employee of the company that helps in maintaining the employee engagement in the company. Therefore, these assumptions helped in preparing the ISSP of the A4A Company. Statement of Policy The policy addresses the security to the information of the Academics for Academics (A4A) organization. This Non-Governmental Organization has introduced its IT domain in the market last year. The policy helps in security of data and information of the clients of the organization in the market (Acharya 2014). This NGO helps in educating the students by helping in theory research paper and developing curriculum criteria. The policy includes authorization to the users registered in the A4A organization portal. The authorized are defined as the person having legal permission to control the internet network and services provided by the A4A organization in the market. These authorized users include the employee and other contingent workers in the organization. The stakeholders are also included in this authorized list for using the A4A portal and internet services (Liang 2016). The policy explains the rules and regulations implemented by the authorized users for the benefit of the organiz ation and access the services of the NGO in the market. The WLAN installed in the company network is protected with safety protocols that help in securing the data and information transferred over the network of the company. The database of an organization is controlled and protected with the help of security protocols installed in the network. The policy statement includes the implementation of cyber rules and regulations regarding the legal use of the network of the A4A services in the premises. Authorized Users The stakeholders including the employee and clients of company use the services of the company. Among them, only the registered users access the portal and network of the A4A Company. The third party imprudent is not allowed in the portal of the A4A Company (Ryan 2013). The laptops and desktops are allowed to be used in the network available on WLAN services of the organization. The WLAN is connected to the wired network to ensure the security of the data and information over the network. This helps in securing the use of the portal of the company. The authorized user of the company have the user login credentials including User Id and passwords that help in providing a secure path for the users to use their profile. The authorized users create their profile in the portal of the company and can share their queries regarding the requirement (Berger 2014). The clients over 10 years of age are allowed to access the portal and network of the company. The proper management of the IT secur ity is done in the network of the A4A Company. The authorized users are permitted to enter into the firewall of the enterprise and able to access the services provided by the A4A Company (Ifinedo 2014). There are 10 employees in the company and are authorized to use the portal of the company. Prohibited Users . These third party unauthentic users are not allowed to access the portal of the company (Sommestad et al. 2014). The users who do not have the login credentials do not have the access to the network of the company. The IT security protocols do not allow these type of users to access the website of the company and ask for their services. The students and other clients have to log in to their respective accounts for the access. Therefore, other than the authorized users, all are unauthorized to use the portal of the company. The rest of the users are considered unauthorized and prohibited from accessing the website (Safa, Von Solms and Furnell 2016). The hotspot of the company has been properly protected with the password such that server is secured form the hackers and unauthorized users. System management The Network Administrator maintains the management of the whole system of the Internet in the company. All the control access points are managed by the network administrator to ensure a proper security to the network (Wall, Palvia and Lowry 2013). The system management includes the encryption of the data and information transferred over the network that helps in enhancing the security of the network. There are various security protocols maintained by the network administrator for assuring the security and firewalls of the server of the company. The system manager helps in maintaining the end-to-end user policy to rectify the problems on the server and ensure flexibility in the portal of the company (Yazdanmehr and Wang 2016). The network administrator that claims about the functionality of the company has properly maintained the security policy of the company. The clients of the company have to pass through the firewall of the server to request the portal for a service. This ensures a full security to the server of the company from the intruders. The network administrator is responsible for defining the encryption and authentication of the requirements of the client and authenticates users of the company (Borena and Blanger 2013). The wireless media of the network is properly encapsulated the security key for ensuring security to the data and information. Various WLAN security programs are installed in the firewalls of the server of the company. The network interface card is maintained by the network administrator to assure proper configuration of the wireless network in the server (Hsu et al. 2015). The copyright of the server and network of the company is reserved under legal consideration. Violations of policy In a case of inappropriate use of the legal terms of the company by the authorized users, there is a provision of punishment as per the act. The company reserves the right of terminating any employee found guilty of violating the legal terms and condition of the company as per the rules (Cram, Proudfoot and D'Arcy 2017). The company can also suspend any employee based on an illegal act of the employee or any stakeholders of the company. There is a provision of giving the warning for the first time violators in the company and a formal notice to personal file of the violator. All the reports of violation of terms and conditions are acknowledged to the respective report manager of the department (Crossler et al. 2013). Ten employees in the company are implementing the rules and regulation of the company for the development of the company in the market. The Internet Security department looks after the violation in the rules and regulations of the company over the Internet. Various guide lines are issued to the authorized users of the company for maintaining the legal criteria of the company in the market (Bansal and Shin 2016). The Cyber security department of the company monitors the activities over the network server ensuring the security of the data and information over the network. The use of the internet for the personal use is prohibited in the company and is taken as the violation of terms and conditions if occurred. The network administrator can manage the violation ratio of the company by integrating strong security protocols in the network of the company (Peltier 2016). This helps in minimising the data breach in the network of the company and providing a better security to the data and information of the company. The transfer of financial resources between client and company is managed by the network administrator that helps in maintaining the security of the company by ensuring various methods of security protocols (Soomro, Shah and Ahmed 2016). The vio lation of the laws and rules of company causes legal punishment to the violator. Policy review and modification The Internet Security department of the A4A Company reviews the policies prepared by the company for the security of the information over the internet. The changes in the technologies used in the company are reviewed that helps in finding the gaps and loopholes in the internet security of the company in the market. The reviewing of the policies provide an enhanced quality of the security protocols for the protecting the data and information including the research papers and study materials of the student. The causes of the data breaches are analysed in the step that helps in maintaining a proper security in the IT systems of the company (Borena and Blanger 2013). The network administrator of the company does this review of the policies. The gaps and loopholes in the network security are fulfilled by the network administrator of the company. The Internet Security department looks after the violation in the rules and regulations of the company over the Internet. Various guidelines are issued to the authorized users of the company for maintaining the legal criteria of the company in the market. Limitations of Liability The A4A Company assumes that there is no liability for violation of those policies in the company. These policies are based on the legal procedures of federal legislation of the IT security. This helps in maintaining a proper secure agenda of the data and information discussed in the earlier parts of the document. The company is liable to terminate the relationship with the clients violating this legislation and policies. The violators are punished under the legal act of the company. The A4A Company have to manage the legal procedures of the company to ensure the security of the data and information of the users and clients in the market (Cram, Proudfoot and D'Arcy 2017). The employee is liable to manage the legal consideration of the company that helps in maintaining the relationships with the customers by providing proper services to the customers. The limitations of the company are based on the security of the data and information as the company have made the ISSSP for the first t ime. These liabilities are depended on the security issues of the company in the market (Safa, Von Solms and Furnell 2016). The company has a right to disallow the engagement of a client with the company due to illegal behaviour of the client with the company. These acts are prevailing in the company for limiting the activities of illegal activities in the company. Justification The use of the Issue Specific Security Policy (ISSP) is done for the managing the Internet Security in the company. The A4A Company is implementing this technique in their atmosphere for the keeping a track of these activities in the company. The ISSP has helped in maintaining the proper database of the Internet activities in the company. The customer database has helped in accessing the customers information and IP address for providing services of the company. Therefore, the use of the ISSP in the company is properly justified. The contained information about the Internet services provided by the company in the market help the customer and client in getting educated. The company has able to maintain the legal authorities in the company that helps in providing security to the data and information transferred online. The proper use of the security protocols in the company helps in securing the data packets transferred over the internet. Therefore, the use of the ISSP in the company h elps in providing an optimal solution to the cyber attacks occurring on the internet by the hackers. The loss of data and information has gone less and the security of the portal has increased. The use of the firewalls and antivirus has helped in obstructing the foreign malware and viruses from entering into the network of the company. References Acharya, A., 2014.Constructing a security community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the problem of regional order. Routledge. Bansal, G. and Shin, S.I., 2016. Interaction Effect of Gender and Neutralization Techniques on Information Security Policy Compliance: An Ethical Perspective. Berger, T.U., 2014. Norms, Identity, and National Security.Security Studies: A Reader. Borena, B. and Blanger, F., 2013. Religiosity and Information Security Policy Compliance. InThe Nineteenth Americas Marketing on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013). Cram, W.A., Proudfoot, J. and D'Arcy, J., 2017, January. Seeing the forest and the trees: A meta-analysis of information security policy compliance literature. InProceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Crossler, R.E., Johnston, A.C., Lowry, P.B., Hu, Q., Warkentin, M. and Baskerville, R., 2013. Future directions for behavioural information security research. computers security,32, pp.90-101. Hsu, J.S.C., Shih, S.P., Hung, Y.W. and Lowry, P.B., 2015. The role of extra-role behaviors and social controls in information security policy effectiveness.Information Systems Research,26(2), pp.282-300. Ifinedo, P., 2014. Information systems security policy compliance: An empirical study of the effects of socialisation, influence, and cognition.Information Management,51(1), pp.69-79. Liang, C.S. ed., 2016.Europe for the Europeans: The foreign and security policy of the populist radical right. Routledge. Peltier, T.R., 2016.Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for effective information security management. CRC Press. Ryan, M.D., 2013. Cloud computing security: The scientific challenge, and a survey of solutions.Journal of Systems and Software,86(9), pp.2263-2268. Safa, N.S., Von Solms, R. and Furnell, S., 2016. Information security policy compliance model in organizations.computers security,56, pp.70-82. Sommestad, T., Hallberg, J., Lundholm, K. and Bengtsson, J., 2014. Variables influencing information security policy compliance: a systematic review of quantitative studies.Information Management Computer Security,22(1), pp.42-75. Soomro, Z.A., Shah, M.H. and Ahmed, J., 2016. Information security management needs more holistic approach: A literature review.International Journal of Information Management,36(2), pp.215-225. Wall, J.D., Palvia, P. and Lowry, P.B., 2013. Control-related motivations and information security policy compliance: The role of autonomy and efficacy.Journal of Information Privacy and Security,9(4), pp.52-79. Yazdanmehr, A. and Wang, J., 2016. Employees' information security policy compliance: A norm activation perspective.Decision Support Systems,92, pp.36-46.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Teenage Violence In Schools Essays - Behavior, Human Behavior, Crime
Teenage Violence in Schools Page #1 Teenage violence in schools has become a tremendous concern to many people. School violence over the past number of years has been increasing and family life, the things that occur in schools and the neighborhoods that the teenagers (that commit the crimes or violent acts) live in are some of the major factors. These are not necessarily the only causes to teenage violence. Family Lifestyle and the behavior of members within the family have been shown to have a direct affect on a teenager's behavior in school. A child can be influenced very easily by any older person, especially a family member, because he always looks up to that family member. If a person in the family is involved in a criminal activity then the children can be turned on by this and become interested in doing the same thing. If the guardian or parent of a teenager does not punish him for doing something wrong, this can only lead to repetition of the bad behavior. Failure to stop a child from doing something wrong could lead the child to believe that his behavior is acceptable. Also, a child thinks that the people that are supposed to love him don't even care that he is doing something bad so he will continue to do it. Teenagers also commit acts of violence to get their parents' attention. If parents ignore what their teenagers are doing, then the teenagers will continue to do more nega tive things just to get their parents to notice them. Another reason why family lifestyle is a cause to teen violence is, if the teenager is abandoned at a young age than there is no one to teach him wrong and right (Kim 82). Page #2 There are many different situations that can occur in school that can cause teenagers to do violent things. When a student has an argument with other students or a teacher that student may only know how to deal his anger by striking out. Often, teenagers do not know how to talk things out and instead, react violently. If a teenager doesn't like what someone (a faculty member or another student) has said to him, he might also let out his anger in violent ways. Sometimes, even if the other person has not done anything wrong to him, but rather to another person he can still get angry (school violence). The neighborhood that a teenager lives in can also cause him to be violent. If a teen lives in a bad neighborhood, where violent acts are going on all the time (besides for when he is in his house) and he will most probably be influenced by it (Kim 81). As a teenager sees more and more negative behavior happening daily in his surroundings, these behaviors will become acceptable and result in the teenager committing these same negative behaviors. Some of these negative behaviors include theft (lunch money, jewelry), vandalism, demands, threats, bullying, murder and rape (Kim 79). The following situations are examples of common behavior by teenagers; two boys did an act of vandalism in their school in New Jersey. The two boys vandalized their busses. The damage amount was $60,000, and the school had to close down for two days because there was no transportation. Another act of vandalism happened in Oregon
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